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15. Winter's Song - 3:00

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Music and Lyrics by Linda Hirschhorn © 1987 (for Lev)

Lead Vocal: Linda Hirschhorn

Backup Vocals: Alison Lewis, Julia Bordenaro

Piano: Steve Carter

Guitar: Nancy Vogl

Accordion: Henri Ducharme

Bare limbs press against the sky,
come a winter night,
tracing shadows floating by,
come a winter night.

Lullaby moon hanging thin,
come a winter night.
Bundle up and bundle in,
come a winter night.

Silver strains of evensong.
round a dimming light,
rise on up in echoes long,
come a winter night.


Passions painted gold and red,
come a winter night,
safely stored for icy beds,
come a winter night.

Baby wrapped in warm cocoon,
come a winter night,
sail with mama to the moon,
come a winter night.

Snowdrift carries mothersong
round a dimming light,
rise on up in echoes long,
come a winter night.


© 1987 Linda Hirschhorn, Kehila Publications (BMI)
Oyster Albums logo Oyster Albums, P.O. Box 3929, Berkeley, CA 949703
ISRC: US-HM8-07-59044


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